Laxius Soul Forever Heroes Maiden Maiden Odessa When the Light Dies

Odessa ~ Player's Memories

Odessa ~ Player's Memories

Postby Indinera » Mon May 30, 2022 9:22 pm

Done with the game? If you've got 5 mins, please fill this funny questionary about Odessa!

So your feedback also lives forever!!!! (hopefully +::biggrin )
Just copy the questions and answer below them! :)


Since the questionary is big, to avoid any stupid loss due to internet connections stopping (I've been there lol), maybe copy it in a word document and save it before sending.


Your opinion about Callaghan?
Your opinion about Rose?
Your opinion about Davy?
Your opinion about Oscar?
Your opinion about Rodrigo?
Your opinion about Sienna?
Your opinion about Jimmy?
Your opinion about Carla?
Your opinion about the leaders on Odessa (Waldrick, Irina etc)?
Who's the prettiest (Rose, Sienna, Carla, Salome) and most handsome (Callaghan, Davy, Rodrigo, Jimmy)?
Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Your opinion about the story and dialogues?
Your opinion about the atmosphere and cut scenes?
Your opinion about the music and sounds?
Your opinion about the gameplay?
What was your favorite moment and why?
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Re: Odessa ~ Player's Memories

Postby Indinera » Thu Jun 02, 2022 2:18 pm

The first entry was posted by Frost from our Discord chat:

Your opinion about Callaghan?
As far as protagonists go, Callaghan made for a refreshing change of pace from the typical leads you see in these sorts of RPGs. It's clear he's a man with experience, a possibly violent and troubled past, and all he wants to do now is to settle down with the one he loves and live a life of peace in his older years. Which...unfortunately gets torn away from him, prompting him to lapse back into his old ways. At least--that's how I interpret him!

What follows is an incredibly focused journey with no sidequests or stops along the way, which suited him quite well. Given he only had one thing on his mind, he wasn't going to be stopping to help a cat out of a tree, or go poking around someone's house for bonus loot. No--he's gonna kick down doors where he needs to, and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty as necessary. Which was an interesting aspect of him--as he didn't appear to have any qualms of killing those who may have posed a threat, or were withholding information. And towards the end, in a rage, he really did kill a few people. Which was completely understandable given he thought he'd lost the one thing he cared for in his life and had nothing left to live for at that point.

The fact that he's on the older side made him quite unique, too, as outside of maybe Geralt from The Witcher--which he gave shades of, to a degree, haha--you don't really see main characters pushing that kind of age range and appearance. Of which I felt was quite cool. The scars leave you to wonder just what kind of life he lived before this--and I feel like you could make an entire game of his younger years, haha.

In terms of gameplay, Callaghan was my main source of damage--as I played on nightmare mode where enemies were incredibly tough, and sometimes nothing short of boosted stats and crits would bring them down, of which Callaghan felt most suited for. It was always satisfiying to see a Skullbroke crit and/or possibly activate the instant kill, too. I can't even count how many skulls he busted wide open in my journey!

Your opinion about Rose?
A gorgeous bunnygirl with a mysterious past? What's not to love! Beyond the more superficial elements, of course, Rose was quite a fascinating character. Perhaps belying the bunny costume where one might expect her to be something of a ditzy airhead, she's intelligent, resourceful and acts as the Yin to Callaghan's Yang. Given that Callaghan is on a dark, destructive path, I saw Rose as somebody that was trying to steer him away from doing anything he might regret and to keep him far more level-headed than he may have been if he'd journeyed alone. Though, we did get shades of what he might have been like at the heart of Odessa when he went berserk. So without Rose around, I think Callaghan's path there would have been far more violent and death-filled.

What was also interesting is that since Callaghan has his wife already, the relationship Rose developed with him was purely platonic--which again is quite a rarity in RPGs with parties like this, where romances always bloom. It was sweet to see him hug her at that point, where he dropped his brooding and tough act to let in a bit of emotion.

I also enjoyed how Rose went about some of her espionage-esque activities, extracting information from targets in the way a bunnygirl knows best, haha.

In terms of combat, Rose was the most useful character I had--with plenty of options for damage-dealing with her Cross Legs and Death Legs (what a way to go for poor enemies, haha) and ensuring Callaghan was at his most destructive with her cheering. There was also the vital energy move which acted as an aoe healing, which made her ESSENTIAL in late game fights. Her utility was just amazing, and I shudder to imagine how the game would have been without her!

Your opinion about Davy?
A humble beggar turned ally! Add to the list of atypical party members joining up in this wild adventure! I don't have as much to say about him--but I enjoyed his company and despite his sketchy background, he turned out to be quite reliable.

Admittedly he wasn't painted in the best light when he broke down under torture and gave Callaghan up--but sometimes bravery can only get you so far before you hit your limit and self-preservation kicks in. So I understand the decision he made, even if it wasn't the best. The ending seems to imply he avoids coming back into contact with Callaghan after that, which I assume stems from his guilt of giving his friend up. Hopefully with enough time he can reconnect though and they can put it all behind them!

While he wasn't the strongest in combat, and I couldn't find too much of a use for his status immunity stuff, his back kick would do a surprising amount of damage in the right circumstances, allowing him to clean up any skulls that Callaghan hadn't already thoroughly crushed, haha. His dust move allowed for some nice utility too when it landed its status afflictions! Not the best party member, but he pulled his weight when necessary! His taunting also helped quite a lot to keep some of the squishier party members during tense moments--and I like to imagine that comes from a chivalrous place.

Your opinion about Oscar?
The goodest boy. What more can you say? Next question!

I kid, I kid. But really, now--he was enjoyable as far as animal companions go. Loyal, friendly, and had some funny moments with his interactions. (Barking intensifies) indeed.

In combat, he was a savage force of nature with his various biting moves, and with the right buffs could really pile on the damage when he needed too. If I recall, he was really useful for piercing through some of the more resistant enemies like the hardened shell ones. Sometimes you just need a powerful enough jaw to pierce through!

Your opinion about Rodrigo?
The young blood of the group, bringing with him his upbeat and positive attitude--and maybe some misguided hopes at wooing the ladies, haha. I guess he's just at that age, huh? I enjoyed what he contributed to the conversations, even if he didn't necessarily have too much of a role in things and was more just tagging along to help--at least as far as I can recall. Maybe he had ambitions of doing so to truly test his strength and to get stronger--as that seemed to be what motivated him. I'm sure he learned quite a lot from following Callaghan around, too!

In terms of combat, I found myself using his dual slash a lot--especially with the right buffs and items applied to assure he could really pile on the damage. Late game, the damage did seem to trail off as enemies got harder and harder to kill--but early on he's useful enough.

Your opinion about Sienna?
Another mysterious woman enters the fray--this time with her own goals in mind, and tagging along as a means to an end. She seems to harbour a grudge against Odessa--perhaps from losing someone to the sacrifices previously? Apologies if I missed the context for it, but that was what I gathered at any rate! Either way, she seems to know quite a lot about Odessa and modern technology and there's a clear history there I'd love to learn more about!

Her appearance is rather striking, too, with the sparkling hair and flashy outfit. She almost has the apperance of being a goddess all on her own, which if you followed that theory could be seen as an actual real goddess seeking to destroy an artificial one!

She was probably the second highest damage dealer I had alongside Callaghan, with her thunder move wiping the floor with a lot of pesky, more resistant enemies. Especially once it was upgraded and began to strike three at a time. And once she learned the move that revived everyone in a group, she also became my second more useful utlity party member. So she was like Callaghan and Rose wrapped into one destructive package! Not bad at all, I'd say. A lot of fun to use and create synergies with other party members!

Your opinion about Jimmy?
He joins rather late, so I didn't form as much a connection with him as I did the others--but I can certainly sympathise for his cause, given he was forced into labor that irreparably changed him and left him wanting a better life. I can imagine he saw his chance for this when he saw Callaghan and co. busting through, and realised that there was a way to break out of this cycle after all. Which also gave him the courage to rally all the others into an uprising, and hopefully take over Odessa. Or at least ensure they weren't repressed. Hope all goes well for that little guy!

In terms of combat, he had quite the interesting set of moves! From being able to infect people, to buffing the party considerably--granted the conditions had to be right, which was rare--he turned out to be far more useful than I first imagined, with his claw moves proving invaluable in a lot of situations where Callaghan was indisposed.

Your opinion about Carla?
Young, sweet, thrust into a terrifying nightmare of which she probably imagined there was no hope of ever escaping from. She certainly didn't have a good time of things!

Not much is said about Callaghan and Carla's relationship--bar the age difference that some people were iffy on, alongside how they met, but I'd love to know about what their day to day life was like and how things may have been for them. I can only imagine that Carla was like Rose in a way, in how she'd probably be the calm, peaceful counterpart to Callaghan's rage and helped to calm him and get him to settle down to a more relaxed way of living. And it was nice that for the last stretch of the game that they were reunited at long last!

I will say that in combat...she was lucky to survive a battle, haha. Because in nightmare mode one attack is enough to bring her down--but I did like the skills she had. Especially the one where she calls on her hero to deliver an attack (Callaghan) simply titled 'The Best'. I thought that was a sweet way of showing the relationship they had without being too obvious and was a nice way of blending both storytelling and gameplay together!

Your opinion about the leaders on Odessa (Waldrick, Irina etc)?
Quite interesting to see as far as 'villains' go. As they're clearly not maniacal tyrants obessed with power and ruling the world--but rather they just seek to bring the world out of a dark age of pollution and coal and seek to improve things with their new methods, which when you look at the big picture, are far cleaner and more efficient, at the cost of a few human lives a day.

Granted, they ARE willingly sacrificing humans, so you can't exactly see them as being misunderstood...but I can imagine at one point they maybe did have a desire to genuninely improve the world, but fell short along the way.

I feel like this adds quite a lot of layers to them and what they're doing--which is nightmarish from the perspective of outsiders coming to save Carla, but for the people living a life of luxury with modern amenities, they probably wouldn't have batted an eye if they found out the truth, and would willingly go along with it still. Which I think is the scariest part and puts into question the value of a human life. What is a few sacrifices if an entire community gets to go about its life comfortably? I think they made it a point of saying that people already on Odessa were never targeted, either, and that the sacrifices always came from the more 'uncivilised' places.

It definitely gave me a lot to think about--and I appreciate how the plot developed and the layers to it!

Who's the prettiest (Rose, Sienna, Carla, Salome) and most handsome (Callaghan, Davy, Rodrigo, Jimmy)?

I did like Salome's design a lot from a purely aesthetic look lol
And am a sucker for bunny girls, so Rose comes close too--and then Sienna just has an overall enchanting sort of appearance. +::heart
Callaghan for the guys, no question asked lol
But wait--if Oscar counts, then it's definitely no contest

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
If we're talking physically--that'd go to Callaghan being the strongest, and Carla being the weakest simply due to her lower level and paper thin defenses in harder difficulties. There's just no way around it, haha.

In terms of writing--Callaghan is probably the strongest written one with how his character was, is, and turns into (that smile at the end is heartwarming after so much misery and rage) and the weakest one...hmm...I don't think any one character is particular too 'weak', but I suppose Salome is only introduced right at the end, and feels maybe more there to fill out the party, than have any real stakes in things. So she didn't have as much to contribute to the overall plot. It was a nice touch that if you held onto the claws from ages ago, she could equip them, though--which I appreciated!

Your opinion about the story and dialogues?
I've largely talked about smaller elements of the story here and there throughout the post already, but I'll say that I enjoyed how tightly paced it was, and that there was zero downtime. From beginning to end, you really felt like you were with Callaghan on a frantic dash to save his wife before it's too late--even feeling a bit of hopelessness towards the end when you feel you've failed, before hope blossoms once more. There was a clear vision for the story being told here--and I feel like it landed!

The fake-out ending and credits was masterfully executed as well, because technically I could have seen the story ending that way still, but then we had the chilling moments of Davy and co. being snuck upon, before we get one last mad dash through the hospital to victory!

And the dialogue was fast, snappy and to the point as well. No scene felt like it dragged out too long, and there was just the right balance of story and gameplay!

Overall, I think it ended with just enough hope and optimism, but still some uncertainty over some elements that give enough pause to wonder if everything is going to be okay, given some key players are still alive and there's no telling what they might do now that their entire way of life has been threatened.

Your opinion about the atmosphere and cut scenes?
From the rain, to the heavy dust, and the crackling electric, I can see a lot of care was taken for every environment to feel as atmospheric and moody as possible as you progress through. All of that effort didn't go unnoticed, and really added to the presentation of it all!

The cutscenes were especially fun to watch, too, with all of the unique little movements with the sprites rather than characters just standing around and talking. I understand it can be a lot of work to do all the smaller parts, but it really does add a lot! I also noticed that the portraits all had their own expressions, too, and even going as far as to show the blood and wounds on Davy, alongside the blood spattered on his torturer. Which was a really small, impressive detail! It added to the cinematic flair of things and made it that much more exciting to watch unfold. Especially when Odessa and its guardians appeared, and how their forms would slowly rise up like the towering behemoths they were.

Your opinion about the music and sounds?
Each music track felt appropriate for the situation, and it was an incredibly varied soundtrack at that! I'm really liking this recent trend of each new area having its own battle/boss themes, too. I wouldn't mind seeing more of that down the line. It helps each area feel that much more unique, and gosh that regular battle theme when you're in Odessa and battling suited men and such. I can't get that jam out of my head! The last track against the final boss is also groovin'--as it's chaotic and noisy and super disorientating with the vocals, but somehow fits given you have this strange, electronic thing standing in your way.

Likewise, I have no complaints with the sounds. Everything fit and didn't feel out of place and I see there was careful thought taken with overall soundscapes, to add to the atmosphere alongside the effects.

Your opinion about the gameplay?
Overall, Odessa has a very defined and tight gameplay loop with zero fluff or filler, which I think adds to the game's strengths. It's not an epic sprawling quest across the world, it's just one man's desperate journey to save his wife--so naturally things that are common in say, the Laxius games, just wouldn't feel appropriate here like guilds and side quests and such.

This also makes exploring towns a bit more streamlined, too, with doors largely just leading to dialogue or menus rather than being able to go inside and explore--but again, this fits the style of the game. It's more a linear dungeon crawler than anything, but these concessions still give you a safe place to retreat to, restock, and then continue on, which was a good compromise!

Combat is the meat of Odessa, and I think the charge based combat (I think that's what it was called?) fit really well--being able to see the turn order, and how to best strategise. This was especially invaluable in nightmare mode when getting everything executed flawlessly was the difference between winning and losing.

But of course, there's the secret rooms to discover too--and secret animals to find! So it isn't necessarily fully linear, and exploration still gave a lot of essential rewards. I managed to find 6/8 of the secret places, and less animals--but I liked that my curiosity was still rewarded in a lot of instances, even when we're running against the clock, haha.

I will say that the balancing for nightmare did have its ups and downs. Some battles were agonising slogs until my technics reset where I could then do another burst of damage before repeating--but the challenge wasn't impossible, and usually just took some reevaluating until the fight clicked. Which I liked! It never felt completely unfair--except maybe for the final boss...which...admittedly I had to bring up, and have it tweaked ever so slightly, haha. But even then with a strong move that was nerfed, I just barely got through that last fight by the skin of my teeth.

In the future, I would say that having a mode in between normal and nightmare would be appreciated, since that's usually the 'sweet' spot for me--but I guess I get what I sign up for when I choose a mode that says 'nightmare', haha.

The way technics worked by powering up and combining to form new, super technics was also a really fun idea, I think--and led to me discovering some incredible moves. A really rewarding system!

I think that limited amounts of technics before they reset maybe didn't fit the balance of nightmare mode as much--because I ended up spending a lot of time waiting for them to reset before I could resume doing damage, due to some enemies having incredibly resistances to everything else, but again it was probably intended for normal mode more than anything. That also ties into my other small issue, where I felt enemy resistances were a bit TOO plentiful towards the end, to the point where it felt only one thing could hurt them, and that characters beyond Callaghan began to feel a bit too weak. But again, nightmare mode, so hey! I got what I picked, haha.

Also, the way hidden items were handled was quite neat--with the question marks appearing as you got nearer to show things so you weren't aimlessly clicking EVERY barrel you came across. (Though I still did, out of reflex and habit, haha). I could see something like this working in future games, too, but maybe with the addition of a spell or equipment that would reveal things at a larger range or something!

Finally--not necessarily a gameplay thing, but while I'm voicing some things that I maybe wasn't 100% with, I wanted to bring up the maps. Because while the mapping was very beautiful and combined nicely with the atmosphere--I will say that I noticed a reliance of sample maps in places.

Now--I don't think this is a COMPLETELY bad thing, or anything--and I think the adjustments to them, and additions of treasure, secret rooms, etc. worked quite well and fit the game. But it does give that slightly impersonal feeling and I think the game would have benefited from custom made maps to really add to the experience. So in future collaborations, I would say for ID Card's side to be more confident in your mapping skills and don't be afraid to experiment and reference things!

What was your favorite moment and why?
One of my favourite moments has to be when Callaghan jumps Waldrick (I think that's his name) in his office, and the way the lights go bright, and the music kicks in with the defense system activating. And how the fight starts with just Callaghan, before Rose jumps in to help. It was a fun blend of story and gameplay, and I really like it when games do that!

Additionally, Callaghan's raging when he thinks his wife is dead and then proceeds to murder the heck out of several people was a sight to see too, and you could really feel the pain in him at that point.

Finally--the way that dread loomed in with Davy and co. at the fake-out end, with the music getting scarier as those figures closed in. Just amazing stuff!

To conclude, I think overall this was a really fun game and played to the strengths of both sides of the collaboration between Indy and ID Card--and outside of the mapping issue, I would be excited to see more collabs down the line if you guys are willing! Keep up the awesome work~

I'm super excited for Laxius Soul too now, and think this game has given me a good idea of the sorts of things I can expect from future projects made in this engine, and just wanted to congratulate you guys again on a job well done!

Sorry this turned into a novel. I guess I promised Indy I'd be thorough, and here we go, haha.

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Re: Odessa ~ Player's Memories

Postby D-Squall » Mon Jun 06, 2022 12:22 am

Your opinion about Callaghan?

I think he he was one of the best main characters in a long time of Aldorlea Games for the simple pact that he was quite serious. I like that he was very serious with his quest, I like that he was a guy of experience since he has a past as a Bodyguard and he is very easy guy to like (apart of the reasons I mentioned before) because he was just an old guy who wanted to live a happy life with the his love, but he couldn't because she was taken away from him. Even though he didn't knew if Carla was dead or alive, his drive to find out the truth kept him going, If she was alive, he would rescue her and live hapily ever after, if she was dead, at least he would know the truth. There is no way you wouldn't sympathize with him.

Your opinion about Rose?

Rose was a nice surprise. Thank God she wasn't some kind of pretty lady but with little to no inteligence. When I saw that a bunnygirl would be in the game, I imediately thought: oh no, not another airhead which only purpose was there to be the desire of the male party members, but I was glad that wasn't the case. Rose was a nice friend to Callaghan, she was smart, she was present, she was always there to stop him from doing stupid moves and in battle she was quite useful with her Charm spell and her elemental spells. She used her good looks for the greater good of the mission, trying to find out about Carla. The way she tricked Waldrick was very entertaining, the writing in that part was a joy to follow. But apart from wanting to help Callaghan because she felt bad for him, I always thought she secretly loved him. I mean, following this guy on this mad quest which lead to an island full of psychos who adored a Goddess of Ashes isn't something you would do because you just feel bad for someone... but that wasn't the reason. Oh well, I wasn't disapointed by that anyway. haha

Your opinion about Davy?

I like Davy too, even though that sometimes he seemed very suspcious for some reason. But he was a realiable ally and was a really good adition for the dynamic of the party.

In the end, I felt bad for him. I don't hate him and neither I can blame him for revealing where Callaghan and Carla were when he was being torutured, in his place I would've done the same. He was just a poor guy who tried to help a friend and ended up being torutred later. In the end, he managed to escape his tortures and go back to the mainland with Oscar. I guess he ended up traumatized by the whole experience in the island and with his tortures that he decided not to keep in touch with Callaghan. Good for him, it was a good decision.

Your opinion about Oscar?

Loyal companion to Davy haha, as an animal who can't talk (unlike Guanidia lol) all I can say is that he ultimate skills were one of the best, it dealt good damage and could hit all enemies. Really powerful.

Your opinion about Rodrigo?

Not the brighest of the party, but was always there to lift the mood of the situations and alwyas supportive to Callaghan and his quest. Unlike Rose and Davy, he was a bit oblivious to the seriousness of the quest, but he ways a valuable asset, in battle and as the positive guy who's always seeing the good side of the journey.

Your opinion about Sienna?

Mysterious woman who just tagged along because she had a common goal with the party: destroy Odessa. But her reasons for hating Odessa were a bit vague. Okay, she was part of a community who fights against Odessa and their sacrifices, but I wanted to know more about her drive. Just like Frost said in his/her memories, one might think she wanted to avenge a friend who was sacrificed before. In battle she was great, someone with healing spells and spells that damages the whole enemy party is always welcome. lol

Your opinion about Jimmy?

Not much mention about Jimmy, he joined towards the end of the game, didn't had much time to make an impression on me. But poor guy, became a zombie due to the effects of the coal. But one thing I liked about him: his drive for a revolution, I loved that. haha I'm always on the side of the workers and always against the greedy CEOs.

Your opinion about Carla?

Sweet and fragile girl, can't imagine the terror she has been through. Kidnapped, awoke on a hospital treated by unknown psycho doctors who just didn't revealed the real reason she was there (they wouldn't be so stupid - but the poor girl didn't know what was coming for her) and then got was saved in the last minute from being burned on a big volcano. Poor girl deserved that happy ending, just like Callaghan.

Your opinion about the leaders on Odessa (Waldrick, Irina etc)?

Interesting. They weren't the kind of crazy kind of villains who wanted to conquer the world, but their reasons wasn't so pure either. They do have a very unique reason for doing so, preventing the polution from spreading on their island. They want progress, but they don't want to sacrifice the enviroment. But don't get me wrong, their reasons aren't understandable, for them to reach their goal they had to sacrifice women, human beings for it. They're muderers one way or another. They always treated themselves as privilged and as the better race, since they only sacrifice women from the mainland and not from their own island. Pure prejudice.

Who's the prettiest (Rose, Sienna, Carla, Salome) and most handsome (Callaghan, Davy, Rodrigo, Jimmy)?

Prettiest: Rose
Most handsome: Callaghan

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?

Strongest for sure was Callaghan, I equiped that relic that lets you act twice in a turn and was enough to wipe at least two enemies on that hospital lol and weakest: poor Carla. The girl couldn't stand one hit even with equipment.

Your opinion about the story and dialogues?

At first glance one might think that it was just another story about rescuing a beloved one from the clutches of an evil organization, and at some point it is, but the interesting part of it was HOW the story unfolds. It's really interesting finding out more and more about the Odessa "cult", how they sacrifice girls and their reasons, the whole island and who runs the place. The dialogues were the best, very well written and to the point, without stalling much. The tension and the sense of urgency was the best part of the plot, because with how the story is progressing you just won't get bored, or tired and you always want to know what's coming next. I like that sense of urgency.

Your opinion about the atmosphere and cut scenes?

Oh that was good, pretty in some ways actually. I could see the effort put into the atmosphere for most places, from electricity running on the screen to the ashes of the volcano, it was beautiful and appropriate. A pity that for me sometimes was lagging, but with the new version that problem was solved. The cutscenes were the best, as a game with a big sense of urgency, at some point each cutscene was a big event, it might be a little discovery or a big discovery, the way they were made always made me excited because soemthing big was always about to happen. So, one of the strongest points of the game was the cutscenes.

Your opinion about the music and sounds?

The music was good, it really fit in every cutscene and places. I loved the battle theme in Odessa island, and that's coming from someone who doesn't like having battles theme changing all the time, because I really liked the first battle theme and IMO the battle theme is the signature of a RPG Game, if it is good, then the game is also good. The final battle theme with the vocals felt very appropriate, with the distorted voice and techno effects, since you were battling a machine haha and to see vocals in a battle theme on a RPG Maker game was a great surprise.

Your opinion about the gameplay?

Oh now that was great, the gameplay. I loved the battles in this game, knowing who was coming next was a plus, since you could calculate the time for status like Charmed in your advantage so you could end some battles without the enemy laying a single finger on you. Not to mention the amazing effects that some relics gave you like 1 skill up each time for win for all your skills and acting twice in one turn, or even that one that double the skill count each time you use a skill. Not to mention the beautiful effects that RPG Maker MZ provides. NOTS was my first MZ game and I already thought it had beautiful effects that really enhances gameplay, but in Odessa is even better. The amount of strategies that you could create with that battle system is big, not to mention is fun to come up with the best way to defeat your enemies.

What was your favorite moment and why?

Probably when Callaghan thought Carla was the girl who just got burned on the volcano and kicked Waldrick and that other guy on the volcano. That rage was understandable and let's face it, Waldrick was a d*ck so we all wanted him to get what he deserves. +::heart

Now for final thoughts: Odessa was one of the best games I played in a long time, I enjoyed it so much that I was sad when it ended, but oh well, you know what they say: be happy it happened instead of being sad because it ended. +::clap
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Re: Odessa ~ Player's Memories

Postby MerryX » Wed Jun 08, 2022 3:05 am

Thoroughly enjoyed this game and highly recommend +::YAY +::clap +::Dance
Played Normal Mode. Liked the twists and turns in the story. Have started to play the “All Girls” + Oscar game – finding the original dialogue including Callaghan etc a little off-putting but I’m going to preserve…
Stats – okay but not 100% +::cry
Animals 6/7; Mystery Areas 6/8; Relics 10/13

Your opinion about Callaghan?
Good lead character but found his match with Carla a bit odd – probably because she rubbed me the wrong way right from the beginning. However, who am I to question true love! +::Dunno
Had great fighting skills once I got the hang of the need to increase technic use.

Your opinion about Rose?
Really liked her and on the surface could be a better “match” for Callaghan, however I’m glad they kept it as reliable supportive sidekick and friend.
Rose had some wicked skills – levelled her up first and seriously overused “Cheers” and “Vital Energy” +::biggrin

Your opinion about Davy?
I quite liked Davy but found him a bit sad.

Your opinion about Oscar?
Loved him – great back up and could do some serious damage in some places +::kiss

Your opinion about Rodrigo?
Brash young man, a little irritating, but levelled up to a pretty useful character.

Your opinion about Sienna?
Okay – was a bit suspicious at first as wasn’t sure if she was going to be a “good gal”

Your opinion about Jimmy?
Wasn’t sure about Jimmy at first but he turned into a useful and very different character.

Your opinion about Carla? Salome?
Came in a bit too close to the end so didn’t really get into them. Do you think it would have been worth including some levelling up for them when we had cut scenes to them? And BTW, Salome was a surprise as I just didn’t remember her as a character until she suddenly popped up with Jimmy +::O_o Her skills looked like they'd level up to something awesome +::Thumbup

Your opinion about the leaders on Odessa (Waldrick, Irina etc)?
Suitably and rather scarily evil +::fear

Who's the prettiest (Rose, Sienna, Carla, Salome) and most handsome (Callaghan, Davy, Rodrigo, Jimmy)?
Not saying… +::whistle

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Strongest – probably Callaghan although I think Rose was a great all rounder with significant damaging and healing skills.
Weakest – definitely Carla (although no idea what her skills would develop into as not enough time).

Your opinion about the story and dialogues?
I really enjoyed the story, felt most of the characters were well developed and fitted with the story.

Your opinion about the atmosphere and cut scenes?
My poor computer struggled a bit sometimes with the effects. And my poor eyes squinted a bit with the fog or whatever but I did enjoy the effects.

Your opinion about the music and sounds?
Sorry – tend to play with music turned down or off. Other sounds excellent.

Your opinion about the gameplay?
Once I got used to not going into the houses or shops, I really didn’t mind. I think it worked and there were still plenty of things to find or bump into +::clap
Thought the martial arts training with Shiro was a nice add-in.
And yes, the Wavotrons and Coal Kayzers were seriously annoying until figured them out – and even then, they could catch me flat footed!

What was your favourite moment and why?
I really liked the mine dungeon and finding the passages through to the different sections. Finding the Secret Areas is a big buzz too. I love exploring! Actually, all the dungeons were good – especially the later ones. Felt like good variety and not as though I was constantly repeating the same maze.

Thanks again, Indi and the team, for a fantastic game. A lot of hard work and I hope you're pleased with it because you should be. What a ride!!! +::Dance

Merry X

PS Just read through Frost and D-Squall's Memories - really well said, guys, and I agreed with everything. I hadn't wanted to read them before I wrote mine as I wanted to be as unbiased by other ideas as possible. TBH if I'd read them before all you would have got from me was "ditto" +::biggrin
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Re: Odessa ~ Player's Memories

Postby littlebro » Wed Jun 08, 2022 1:01 pm

I kept meaning to come back and do this, but RL got in the way. Anyway, here goes.

Your opinion about Callaghan?
I really liked his character. Older than usual, and that allowed for a different slant on lots of things, including how the story unfolded. I felt like this was someone who genuinely had a backstory, which isn’t the case in a lot of games. I liked his total focus on his search for Carla, no faffing around, no unnecessary chitchat, just got on with things. Without Rose to keep him in line (see next section) I think he could have developed into a bit of a psychopath. It was interesting to see how his rage was allowed to affect him as a character, and not be just some neutral trait in the story. His one limitation in battle was that he only had a couple of damage dealing skills, the rest were buffs. That meant that in later, longer, battles, I was left waiting, doing very little damage until his skills came back on line. I think that aspect (if you use the mechanics again) could do with some refining.

Your opinion about Rose?
Brilliant, and nice to see a stereotype upended the way she did. She didn’t turn out how I expected, although I began to suspect that might be the case right at the beginning when she gave her reason for joining Callaghan – it was because she identified him as “a good person”. Loved the way she exploited the stereotype with Waldrick to get the info they needed. Very much the intelligence of the party. Her skills were excellent, and with the Mandragora(spelling?) to keep her MP topped up I used those very freely. Like nearly all of the characters, though, getting enough TP was often a problem with the way cooldowns worked.

Your opinion about Davy?
Very believable. Beaten down by life, always a touch of sadness, given a chance to redeem himself and then beaten down again at the very end, just when he might have thought that his life would be different, by something that could not be avoided. Being slow meant that he was a nightmare to train and get his skills up, as either the battles were over before I had a chance to do anything, or they were tough in which case using a turn just to train him wasn’t really an option. Useful skills, though, once I had got them up. The all-party ailment protection really came in handy.

Your opinion about Oscar?
So glad that a dog was allowed to be a dog and not a four-legged version of an ordinary human character. He remined me of Havoc from A Timely Intervention in that aspect. Great damage dealer, and his speed was a real help.

Your opinion about Rodrigo?
His brash youth stood out even more than in some other game because of the contrast with Callaghan (and the others as well to a large extent). I found him a bit of a one-trick pony, and once I had the option, I took him out of the party.

Your opinion about Sienna?
For quite a while I wondered if she really was one of the good guys or not, especially the way she kept on protesting that she hadn’t meant to hinder them by cutting the power to the casino. Everyone else’s reason for being on this journey was clear and strong, hers seemed a bit generic. The only place where I thought the characterisation of the party members was lacking. Her skills, though, were excellent, especially Thunderstrike (have I remembered that name right?) even before it gets boosted.

Your opinion about Jimmy?
He came so late that I didn’t form much of an opinion about him. Good skills, but as they were being used in a limited sphere I’m wondering about his contribution in the New Game++ setting where he has to fight in all the dungeons.

Your opinion about Carla?
A wimp in pink. The ultimate squishy character, nightmare keeping her alive long enough for her to level up so that she could survive at least one hit. Once I’d done that she started to become useful. She didn’t really have the opportunity to develop as a person as she is only there for such a short time, so felt a bit one-dimensional in contrast with the others. In many games I probably wouldn’t have noticed, but because the others were multi-layered she stood out as a contrast.

Your opinion about the leaders on Odessa (Waldrick, Irina etc)?
Believable (though not forgivable) motivations that went beyond the usual “I do evil coz I’s evil” that is standard RPG reasoning.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Strongest – toss up between Callaghan and Rose, both in terms of fighting ability and in terms of strength of character. Weakest – obviously Carla, but ignoring her the weakest for me was Rodrigo who had only limited usefulness.

Your opinion about the story and dialogues?
Both were excellent. The pacing was just right, the story unfolded in unexpected – but perfectly plausible – ways. Dialogues were among the best I’ve seen in Indy’s games, taut, well chosen.

Your opinion about the atmosphere and cut scenes?
Atmosphere was great, held together by all the elements of the game working in harmony. Cut scenes were, imo, in a different league to the ones Indy has done in the past, much more dynamic, focussed and a lot less static. It was obvious that a lot of work had gone into them.

Your opinion about the music and sounds?
Seriously good choices for tracks and sounds which went so well with the visuals and where the story had reached.

Your opinion about the gameplay?
Overall very enjoyable, and brought something fresh to the table. As I said above, I do think the way the cooldowns worked could have done with some more tweaking.

What was your favorite moment and why?
I’m not sure that I can pick out a single “moment” because things hung together so tightly. I suppose the second proper ending when everything comes together but it’s not saccharine, because not everyone is alright. Liked the smile.
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Re: Odessa ~ Player's Memories

Postby kimo » Thu Jun 16, 2022 8:57 pm

A couple of people have commented in great depth about the characters, so I am just going to share my somewhat truncated observations rather than say “ditto”.

Your opinion about Callaghan?
He is almost singularly focused on his task of rescuing Carla and takes revenge on everyone he thinks did him wrong. But he is compassionate with all animals and seems to understand the life experiences of people like Davy and Rodrigo who he accepts at face value while reserving internal questions about his doubts.

Your opinion about Rose?
Her internal comments were sarcastic and often funny. Where’s Hugh Hefner when you need him? She had some serious skills which were both supportive and offensive in nature. Her interrogation ability came in handy as did her whole party healing skill, “Vital Energy”. Her character seemed to truly care about Callaghan and Carla.

Your opinion about Davy?
Davy was a difficult character to understand in some ways. What was his back story? Was he a panhandler by his choice or life circumstances? Was he simply a drifter or maybe an adventurer who makes his living off his wiles? What are his secrets?

His ability to spot small, shiny objects could have been expanded upon. For example, could some “???” appear (maybe trash cans) only if he was in the active party? Yeah, I’m sure eventing that would be a joy.

Your opinion about Oscar?
Who’s a good boy? You’re a good boy. Yes you are. If he acquires “Wolfram” as a super technic and has the accessories/relics to start a round with 26TP he could often take out the entire enemy party which made him one of the more powerful party members later in the game. Woof!
And the fact that he wasn’t a talking dog was an excellent choice.

Your opinion about Rodrigo?
An adequate fighter with his “Dancing Blade” which often finished off the less powerful enemies at higher levels or with boosts, but with “Kaboom” his ability to do major damage became clear. It also healed his HP equal to his LCK stat which was a big bonus with stronger enemies. He just never became a primary party member for me except in NG++ mode.

Your opinion about Sienna?
She seems a bit clueless when first met since she’s supposed to be a “spy” infiltrating Odessa. Better intel would be a necessity for something like this. Sienna also knows what a hologram is, but no one else does. She is an anomaly but with great multiple enemy skills like “Thundercrash” and “Purification”.

Your opinion about Jimmy?
This is a character that shows up a bit too late for what he can do. Concentrating on Technic mastery (60+ uses) is worth the effort because his “Infection” and “Coal Breacher” skills gain major advantages. If you use his “Infection” skill to increase its levels, you better have everyone equipped with a “Coal Officer Badge” as an accessory.

Your opinion about Carla?
The “fattening her up” scene was funny. Hey, at least she would be more “power”-full, unlike the situation where she goes from a AAA battery size to a D battery size with the same voltage. She was way too under-equipped and lacked skills in the main mode, but in NG+ she became a powerhouse.

Your opinion about the leaders on Odessa (Waldrick, Irina etc)?
Irina doesn’t like being interrupted (typical inexperienced management staff) and takes pride in killing people for the greater good.
Petrus shares the name of one of the world’s best wines, so how could I not like him?
Waldrick reminded me of an editor I knew many years ago who reminded me of Perry White of the Daily Planet.

Who's the prettiest (Rose, Sienna, Carla, Salome) and most handsome (Callaghan, Davy, Rodrigo, Jimmy)?
It’s all about inner beauty for me, but I think it’s a definite “no” on Jimmy. Okay, so I’m shallow.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Carla was definitely the weakest for me. But the strengths of each character were varied and if properly balanced and leveled up there were many party configuration options available depending on your playing style.

Your opinion about the story and dialogues?
The pollution stuff was a bit too “preachy” given our world’s situation. All I could think of was “Soylent Green is people.” Ring a bell, anyone? But the dialogues were consistent in how they represented the characters.

Your opinion about the atmosphere and cut scenes?
The cut scenes were often cinematographic masterpieces. And the Emmy goes to …
I didn’t adjust the atmosphere slide bar in options, but I found the horizontal lines (pollution) moving from top to bottom on certain screens to be hard on the eyes.
However, if general game atmosphere is the question, then the “Modern” Tileset was a major turn-off for me. I’m just not a fan of the very modern looking tile sets in RPGmaker games. Elevators, computer keyboards, printers, A/C units, the apartment buildings, and even the hospital/lab are not elements I seek in an RPG.

Your opinion about the music and sounds?
I don’t typically play with sound on because there are other people who live here. I am sure if I played with the sound on, then I would have to hear those facebook posts in return.

Your opinion about the gameplay?
I like the map names in the upper corner when you enter/exit an area. The HUD was also a good choice. Item limitations worked only because a running total was given when acquiring new drops. Character expressions during conversations could have been better.

It took some getting used to (instant turn-off) when not being allowed into a building and having to conduct business at the front door without any explanation. It seemed like an easy way out of mapping. But, if there was a bazaar-like option with all the trades people there, I would have had no issues at all. Go figure. There is something I just don’t like about not going inside most buildings. I hope this is not the future of game mapping.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Maybe the first time Callaghan tossed someone into the lava because it clearly defined his anger and made me wonder who would be next.
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Re: Odessa ~ Player's Memories

Postby Lady JJ » Sat Jun 18, 2022 10:51 pm

Your opinion about Callaghan? Exactly what I would expect an ex-assassin to be-singularly focused, no qualms about killing, separates his personal life from his professional life but woe to anyone who threatens those he loves.

Your opinion about Rose? Strong, intelligent, caring. She used all her womanly wiles to seduce men for information, yet was the motherly comforter that kept Callaghan's rage from clouding his vision.

Your opinion about Davy? Kind of an 'Eeyore' character who bemoans his circumstances in life but doesn't take much control of his own life until he meets up with Callaghan. I don't fault him for caving in to torture. We can only suspect (and hope) he became a better man due to his involvement with Callaghan.

Your opinion about Oscar? Man's best friend and a decent fighter.

Your opinion about Rodrigo? Unlike Davy, Rodrigo found his strength in the mission and, by finding his strength, traded in his false bravado for true self-respect.

Your opinion about Sienna? Her background story was never really fleshed out. Why was she there? What did she hope to accomplish?

Your opinion about Jimmy? A really clever caricature of coal mine workers succombing to disease and disability. I hope Callaghan believed Jimmy was not a traitorous rat.

Your opinion about Carla? A naive damsel in distress who falls in love with her savior. It would have been nice to see her strengthen but that never happened.

Your opinion about the leaders on Odessa (Waldrick, Irina etc)? Corporate evil, end justifies the means, driven by greed.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest? I suppose Callaghan is the strongest both in terms of physical and mental toughness, yet I would argue Rose is a strong contender for the title. Weakest is Carla who never matured at all.

Your opinion about the story and dialogues? Odessa is bit different in that it starts off looking to be a fantasy RPG, then has elements of sci-fi, but the sci-fi and fantasy are never diametrically opposed. The two elements are synthesized throughout the story, the combination of which making it's own unique present day genre. The game has one goal, and that is to rescue Carla. There are no side quests. Callaghan has neither the time nor the appetite for side quests. He is singularly focused on rescuing his beloved Carla.

Your opinion about the atmosphere and cut scenes? The atmosphere was tense which was in keeping with the storyline. Cutscenes were well done, especially the dream sequences.

Your opinion about the gameplay? The animals giving bonuses was a fun addition. I liked that spamming Attack, even for the strongest players, was not terribly effective in battle. You really had to use your skills. I liked having the queue visible to know which players / enemies were coming up, that really helped with strategizing. There was some necessary grinding, but I'm okay with that. I absolutely appreciated that players did not have to be in the active party to gain experience, levels, and/or points added to their skills. Of course, some relics only gave extra uses if that skill was actually used, so I did have to weave the players in and out at times but it was fun to see what their capabilities were. I thought, with some necessary grinding, the enemies were challenging without being frustrating. I will say that I prefer fantasy RPG's rather than sci-fi RPG's, but there was enough of each to satisfy me.

What was your favorite moment and why? When the worker in the volcano said maintaining the equipment was hard work and were they there to give him a hand? Callaghan said absolutely and gave him a hand overboard.
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Re: Odessa ~ Player's Memories

Postby Indinera » Mon Jun 20, 2022 10:14 am

This was sent by member joie who preferred I posted it myself instead of them.

Your opinion about Callaghan?
I liked him. For some reason I would have liked him to be a bit younger so that the age difference between him and Carla was less.

Your opinion about Rose?
I liked her. Liked her spunk. Would have preferred that her magic was able to be used more often. I found that there were a lot of villains in the game and I felt like I was constantly waiting for her magic spells to be useful again.

Your opinion about Davy?
Not much of a fan. Certainly he was useful at the mine but he was hard to keep alive after that.

Your opinion about Oscar?
Loved the dog and really loved the fact that he had bite later in the game not just at the beginning. Both Davy and Rodrigo were not all that helpful during most of the game as far as killing things. But Oscar just went from strength to strength

Your opinion about Rodrigo?
Talked too much. I found him annoying.

Your opinion about Sienna?
Liked her and her magic. Would really have liked a heal everyone spell.

Your opinion about Jimmy?
Useful character. I never found out what the coal badgers were good for.
Wondered if I would need them to get out of the building but didn't. And now he has introduced Salome so that is good.

Your opinion about Carla?
She looks like Cinderella at the ball. Can't imagine why Callaghan wants to marry her but to each his own. At this point Carla has just joined the crew and I do not have much of a feeling about her one way or the other.

Your opinion about the leaders on Odessa (Waldrick, Irina etc)?
Good villains.

Who's the prettiest (Rose, Sienna, Carla, Salome) and most handsome (Callaghan, Davy, Rodrigo,

Sienna or Rose. Handsome? Jimmy??? Just the question is worrisome.

Who is the strongest character, and why? And the weakest?
Rose was the strongest character. She was clever, had morals, and intended to complete whatever task she was given. Weakest was probably Davy

Your opinion about the story and dialogues?
Liked the story. Don't agree with all the politics in it but it is not all that absurd for someone to decide to burn people for energy in this day and age.

Your opinion about the atmosphere and cut scenes?
Atmosphere was fine. Cut scenes felt a bit too long.
But it was a good idea not to make it easy to enter through them cause impatient people would miss a lot of plot and then find it hard to go back and find out what happened.

About the music and sounds?
I don't play with sound so no opinion.

Your opinion about the gameplay?
I think it was cheating a bit to change the standard rpgmaker game from just bumping into to things to need to use the mouse a couple of times. But also was very clever to to that.

What was your favorite moment and why?
Hard to pick a moment. I fell in love with the game during the demo. The plot the characters and the action.
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Re: Odessa ~ Player's Memories

Postby joie » Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:00 am

I really enjoyed Odessa. it is a great game with good puzzles and an interesting unusual plot. The cast of characters is diverse as are their skills.

I do not normally do reviews and just want to say that this is a must try especially for anyone sitting on the fence.
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